Moldova is the traditional winemaking region, where in every courtyard wine is produced and, by the quality of this wine, a person is appreciated. The better is the wine, the better is the opinion. Winemaking and viticulture was always considered the most significant and important occupations among locals.
Many futile attempts were made to understand the infinite and symbolic world of wine. As there are not two similar sorts of wine, there are not two resembling brands of wine. "Cabernet", "Cahor", "Muscat" or "Aligote" – each of them bears the mark of the creator, his soul, energy and inspiration, though all of them are perceived as a part of the universal history of winemaking, as a part of the culture.
That is why we have been honored as a "country with open gates to wine heaven". Everyone entering this place is very welcomed. That is why we passed the threshold of distrust and became very popular and known all over the world.
Far beyond the bonds of the republic is known, appreciated and loved the production of the State Enterprise Quality Wines Industrial Complex "MILESTII MICI", the oldest storehouse of the "divine liquid". Here the Wines are stored, indeed the wonder of MILESTII MICI.
"The footprints of history" can be found everywhere around here. A particular curiosity is a barrel of 6 tons, proudly "frozen" on the pedestal at the industrial complex’ entrance. This particular barrel, during many years, has been giving all its natural powers of an oak to the magnificent "Cabernet" wine.
Millions of years ago here was the Sarmatian Sea, now here is a sea of wine of various flavors and nuances. You can taste the value of these wines, as well as sparkling ones – semi-sweet "Moldova de Lux" and "Sovietskoie Shampanskoie", semi-dry "Moldova de Lux" in the tasting halls.
Having its particular glamour, this natural wine deposit – the largest of the world – appreciated in the lime galleries at a depth of 40-85 meters in the seventies of the last century.
The wines stored here are made of various years' crops, beginning with the 1968 to 1991. The spirit of the age is very well felt here, in this underground wine city, emerged from wide tunnels. You can pass by car these 200 kilometers of natural lime galleries.
The constant temperature of 12 – 14 C and the humidity of 85 – 95% of this "kingdom of wine" ideally contribute to the preservation of the Moldavian strategic stocks, as well as to the full revelation of natural characteristics of the elite wines. Here have been gathered wines of the best bumper-crop years from all regions of the country and have been stored for ageing. Up to now here continue to arrive selected wine materials from all over Moldova.
Now, as many years ago, the underground kingdom still excites the visitors. The lucky guests who get into it have the rare opportunity to travel the darkened avenues and streets with rows and niches, where precious bottles are carefully laid down, where barrels are placed. Covered with the attributes of antiquity – spider web and grey dust – they attract all looks, just like a magnet. In order to make the time travel even more exciting, all those who wish are given the map of the wine depository, sealed with wax. The same map is present on the labels.
Where begins the wine glory of Moldova? We can tell it with certainty: it begins with the "Golden Collection" of MILESTII MICI. It contains over two million bottles of harmonious wines dated from the period of Moldovan winemaking prosperity. "Pinot", "Traminer", "Muscat", "Riesling", "Feteasca", "Dnestrovskoe", "Milestskoe", "Codru", "Negru de Purcari", "Trandafirul Moldovei", "Auriu", "Cahor-Ciumai" and others. All these wines are made in full compliance with the ancient Moldavian traditions, are aged in oak barrels in a silent and peaceful atmosphere. In every drop of this wine there is the solar flare and the force of the juices of earth.
In September 2002, the State Enterprise Quality Wines Industrial Complex "MILESTII MICI" had the honor to hold a presentation of its collection wines in Strasbourg for the members of the Parliament Assembly of the European Council. Over 500 European parliamentarians participating at the presentation have highly appreciated the quality of MILESTII MICI wines.
Having tasted the elite resources of the wine depository you can choose the wine you liked. All wines have an expressed individual character and can only bring joy to the connoisseur.
Our wines
* Ordinary wines
Chardonnay, Sauvignon, Pinot, Cabernet, Rcatiteli, Merlot;
* Dry vintage wines
Traminer, Aligote, Codru, Pupuriu de Purcari, Negru de Purcari, Rosu de Purcari;
* Collection wines
Feteasca 1987, Riesling 1986, Milestscoe 1986, Gratiesti 1986, Muscat 1988, Trandafirul Moldovei 1986, Auriu 1986, Cahor-Ciumai 1986.
Now the rebirth of Moldovan winemaking is a reality, as witness being the awards of prestigious international contests, specialists' references about the activity of the Quality Wines Industrial Complex "MILESTII MICI".
Name of wine | Year of award | Contest | Country |
"Codru" vintage wine | 2003 | XII International Exhibition "ExpoVinMoldova-2003" | Moldova |
Name of wine | Year of award | Contest | Country |
"Codru" collection wine | 2003 | XII International Exhibition "ExpoVinMoldova-2003" | Moldova |
"Negru de Purcari" vintage wine | 2003 | XII International Exhibition "ExpoVinMoldova-2003" | Moldova |
"Cabernet" collection wine | 1997, 1999 | "VinMoldova" | Moldova |
"Cabernet" 84 | 1996 | "VinMoldova" | Moldova |
"Sauvignon" 88 | 1996 | "VinMoldova" | Moldova |
"Cabernet" collection wine | 2002 | "The International Wine and Spirit Contest – 2002" | --- |
"Traminer" | 1994 | "Wine International-94" | Moldova |
"Gratiesti" collection wine 1986 | 2003 | International Wine Contest | Belgium |
Name of wine | Year of award |
"Traminer" | 1988 |
"Negru de Purcari", "Codru", "Aligote" | 1991 |
"Codru" collection wine | 2000 |
"Cabernet" collection wine, "Codru" collection wine | 2001 |
"Milestscoie" 1986, "Auriu" collection wineи "Codru" collection wine | 2002 |
"Auriu" collection wine 1986 | 2003 |
* Wine Tasting (programm 1): 7 wine denomination (3 vintage и 4 collection)
** Wine Tasting (programm 2): 7 wine denomination (4 vintage и 3 collection)
*** Snacks : – sandwich and nuts.
**** Souvenirs – (1 bottle of red wine and 1 bottle of sparking wine “Moldova de Lux”)
Temperature under ground + 12 + 14 С
Air Humidity 85-95 %